
Fugu is a poisonous fish that is considered one of the traditional delicacies in Japan. Although it costs a lot, people still take the risk and order the dish. The preparation of the fugu dish can only be done by a specialised chef. If prepared incorrectly, the fish would cause paralysis of the body and could lead to suffocation. Fugu should only be eaten in places where the cooks are professionals in its processing.

In the liver and genital organs of the fish there are tetrodotoxinwhich, when it comes into contact with the meat, poisons it, making the fish poisonous. The poison is destroyed by thoroughly stewing or cooking the fugu. Eating it raw or the undercooked version can be fatal to humans. Before ordering the fish, it is advisable to check the premises' licence to prepare it.

You should also ensure that the cook tastes the dish before you do. This is important, especially as eating improperly cooked fish kills about 300 people every year.

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